Thursday, May 30, 2013

My Smoothie Drinking Her-story

Screw History (His-story) this is my Hertory (Her-story).
This is a post that really is meant for chitter and chatter. It is more like the her-story of my smoothie drinking life. Do you still want to continue?
Once upon a time I made a huge move all by my lonesome to the great big state of Texas (which is not bigger than the state of ALASKA (just saying)). I was following a boy that I met after my second deployment. He was, or I thought he was, the best man for me. He wasn't. I am getting a divorce. Long story short:
While I lived in Texas I found it hard to make friends or just have a good friendship with someone. So I went onto to look for platonic friends. Who would have thought that I meant the most amazing woman that still holds a special part of my heart. When we first met I thought she was so out there with her vegan, vegetarian, raw, smoothie ways. Her youngest child at the time was stark naked and later became my girlfriend just like her mother had become in my life. She taught me things about food I never knew before and allowed me to stay with her for like 2 or 3 months in her home while her husband deployed. It felt like forever. She was one that introduced me to the Vitamix.
Every morning before work we made smoothies and went for our morning runs. When I moved out I was saddened because I didn't have a vitamix (I also didn't have my red-headed hippie friend either) so I had to replace it with a crappy blender and a juicer. Gross. I searched far and wide for a vitamixer on ebay since I was way to cheap to pay $425.00 for a brand new one.
I waited, and waited, and waited. I waited 4 years till I purchased my first ever Vitamixer from ebay. I was so excited because I got if for $170 even though it was used I knew I was going to love it.
I started making smoothies the day the package came in the mail. I was so excited that I went to the store to get some fruits and veggies. Mixed it up in the blender and took my first taste. Let me tell you now, that was one disgusting smoothie. I don't even know what I mixed but I wasn't ready for how green and gross it had tasted. Do you think that put a stop to the smoothie making? Hell NO!
I decided about a week after I got my Vitamix that I would do a smoothie detox. Everyday for a week I drank smoothies for breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and dinner was well dinner not smoothie. I felt week, tired, grumpy, and in shock. I was shocked how much my body wanted sugars and carbs. Those feelings lasted three days and then after the week of the blessed torture I craved fruits and veggies. Imagine that. After that I read a book about food, and became a clean eating fanatic.
Now clean eating is a different story and this one is about smoothies. I make a breakfast smoothie everyday except Saturdays. That is the day I go to the coffee house and enjoy a hand made breakfast with some hot tea and a good book. It is my alone time. I am thankful for being introduced to the Vitamix and smoothie making. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't be eating the best foods for my body and I would be stuck in sugar/carb hell.
Thanks for reading this super long Her-story of my smoothie drinking/making adventures. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you read it, if not I hope you enjoyed the pictures.

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